The Pixel Project Selection 2023: 16 Films About Violence Against Women

Welcome to our 12th annual curated list of thought-provoking and powerful documentaries, feature films and television series that depict violence against women (VAW) in various forms. Every year, we select

Transforming Personal Pain Into Positive Action: The Pixel Project’s 16 Female Role Models 2022

Today is the first day of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence 2022 campaign and The Pixel Project is kicking things off with our 10th annual list of

16 Ways We Can Combat Rape Culture

The Pixel Project is pleased to welcome a guest “16 For 16” article from our partner, Breakthrough – a global human rights organisation working to make violence and discrimination against women and

Inspirational Interview: Joe Samalin – Part II

Welcome to the second part of our Inspirational Interview with Joe Samalin, Senior Program Manager for Community Mobilisation & Community Development with Breakthrough, a global human rights organisation that works

Comedy and Rape Culture: Four Perspectives On The Daniel Tosh Controversy and a Silver Lining

In a world where rape as a weapon of war is deployed in war-torn zones such as the Congo and Syria; and in the U.S. alone, the National Center for