Who we are looking for…

  • Professionals who wish to donate their professional skills and work/share their contacts/networks to help the cause to prevent, stop and end Violence Against Women (VAW).
  • Professionals in between jobs who wish to keep their professional skills sharp.
  • Anyone who wishes to stretch themselves and acquire new skills while using their current skills for the cause.
  • College and Graduate students who wish to participate in our campaigns for the cause.
  • Graduate students in business schools who would like to participate in our campaigns as part of their coursework.

Above all – you must be truly interested in the cause to prevent, stop and end violence against women.

You might be a Pixel Project volunteer if…

  • You have a passion for and/or commitment to the Violence Against Women cause.
  • You can spare 5 or more hours a week on average working on our campaigns.
  • You are comfortable working as part of a virtual global team including:
    • Being comfortable using video conferencing apps like StreamYard
    • Being comfortable using messaging apps like Signal and WhatsApp
    • Being comfortable and active in participating in group email discussions
    • Being comfortable working with social media.
  • You have your own computer and own internet subscription to which you have regular access.
  • You are able to stick to deadlines (but don’t worry – we normally work with our volunteers’ schedules to establish their comfort-level lead times).

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A few points to keep in mind when volunteering with us…

Point 1: Honour Your Promises. Be realistic about what you can or cannot offer us and be clear about it to manage expectations. The worst thing you can do is overpromise and then go AWOL, leaving us, fellow activists, victims and survivors dangling when they need your help the most. In the case of the cause to end violence against women, the stakes are higher than most because resources that don’t appear may cost someone her life.

Point 2: Look at your skills and find a match. There are plenty of different roles and avenues where you can leverage your personal and professional skills to help the cause. We have certainly found that volunteers that work in roles that match their skills are happier in the long run.

Point 3: Be responsible. Volunteering is a commitment, especially with volunteer-only organisations such as ours. Only volunteer with us if you genuinely have time and energy to spare. Please do not suddenly disappear without notice or disregard deadlines as it will disrupt our efforts and is disrespectful to the efforts of your team mates.

Point 4: Be respectful. We are a diverse, apolitical and non-religious organisation with volunteers, collaborators, and partners from different walks of life and a wide range of cultures working together. Our team is like a close-knit family and we expect all team members to treat each other with respect including being punctual to meetings, peacefully resolving differences etc. Abusive/racist/sexist/bigoted behaviour and bringing in politics of any kind will not tolerated.

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