Our Voters’ Choice campaign is off to an exciting start. We’ve had a great response, with over 2,500 total votes cast. Hugh Jackman was in the lead early on, but
Step Up: Thoughts and Ideas About Men’s Roles in Ending VAW
The Pixel Project is thrilled to have the support of many awareness raising partners. We have developed a collaborative relationship with these organizations in which we all help each other
Announcement: The Pixel Project’s Voters’ Choice Campaign
In our last post we told you to check back here for some news on an exciting new Pixel Project campaign. Well, here it is! As you know, we are
Bruised on the Inside: How to Become a Domestic Violence Survivor
Bruised on the Inside: How to Become a Domestic Violence Survivor is an ebook that is about a fictional character, Katie. She is the voice for many that still suffer
The Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest
Hello and welcome to the 11th edition of the Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest. As usual we collect the latest and most relevant news related to violence against women around
The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition 10
Welcome to the tenth edition of The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest! As usual, we have compiled the latest and most relevant news from around the world regarding violence against
Changing Faces of the Movement: NCADV and NOMAS Collaborative Conference
Changing Faces of the Movement: NCADV and NOMAS Collaborative Conference The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) is one of the partner-beneficiaries of The Pixel Project. This post from NCADV
Violence and Women in the Amazon Basin (via GAB)
We are pleased to introduce to you one of our blogging partners–Gender Across Borders (GAB). Once a month, we will cross-post a blog post from GAB and they will be
The Pixel Project’s April 2010 “Call to Action”
“…one drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire gives light to the world.” Hannah More This wonderful quote summarizes the entire philosophy of The Pixel
The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition Nine
Welcome to the ninth edition of The Pixel Project’s Violence Against Women e-News Digest. We compile the latest and most relevant news from around the world concerning violence against women