Inspirational Interview: Khrystyna Kit, Chairwoman, Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association (JurFem), Ukraine – Part II

Welcome to Part 2 of our December 2023 Inspirational Interview with Khrystyna Kit, founder and chairwoman of the Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association (JurFem).  Khrystyna is a lawyer, human rights defender

Inspirational Interview: Khrystyna Kit, Chairwoman, Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association (JurFem), Ukraine – Part I

Welcome to Part 1 of our December 2023 Inspirational Interview with Khrystyna Kit, founder and chairwoman of the Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association (JurFem).  Khrystyna is a lawyer, human rights defender

16 People Who Have Worked To End Violence Against Women in India that You Should Know About

The Pixel Project is pleased to present the annual guest “16 For 16” article from our partner, Breakthrough – a global human rights organisation working to make violence and discrimination

The Pixel Project Selection 2023: 16 Medical Professionals Working to End to Violence Against Women

Medical professionals are often the first responders to many women who experience violence. Whether it is to provide immediate help for physical injury, guide recovery from long suffered trauma or