The Pixel Project is proud to present our blog tour for Giving The Devil His Due, our first charity anthology, to help raise awareness about violence against women (VAW) during Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April 2022 ahead of the upcoming launch of the classic edition of the anthology on 25 May 2022.

By participating in this blog tour, book bloggers and vloggers from several countries are joining the global conversation about the anthology and the importance of stopping VAW as well as helping victims and survivors of VAW realise that they are not alone and that help is out there.

In our second round-up blog post for the blog tour, we present the second round of published reviews, interviews, and spotlight pieces that have come out between 11 – 20 April 2022.


Blog Tour Stop #4: The T.Kent Writes Spotlight Post (14 April 2022)

Check out book blogger T.Kent’s T.Kent Writes blog where they have published a special spotlight post on the anthology.


Blog Tour Stop #5: The Cats Luv Coffee Book Blitz Piece (16 April 2022)

Check out Horror book blogger Valerie’s Cats Luv Coffee blog where she gives the anthology a shout-out via a special book blitz post.


Blog Tour Stop #6: The Seven Acre Books Spotlight Post (18 April 2022)

Check out book blogger Michelle Dunbar’s Seven Acre Books blog where she has published a most excellent spotlight post on the anthology.


Blog Tour Stop #7: The Worlds In Ink Spotlight Post (19 April 2022)

Check out book blogger KJ Mulder’s Worlds In Ink blog where they have published a great spotlight on the anthology, including boosting the signal for Sexual Assault Awareness Month and writing: “Now is the perfect time to get your hands on some fascinating speculative fiction stories and support a great cause too!.”


Blog Tour Stop #8: The Speculative Fiction Showcase Interview with Leanna Renee Hieber (19 April 2022)

Check out Speculative Fiction Showcase where book blogger Jessica Rydill and our very own Leanna Renee Hieber talk about the anthology, gaslamp fantasy, and the abhorrent 19th century practice of husbands, fathers, and brothers locking away the dissenting women in their family in order to silence them forever.


Blog Tour Stop #9: The Read By Dusk Spotlight Post (20 April 2022)

Check out book reviewer Aina’s Read By Dusk blog where she very kindly gives the anthology the spotlight as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month as well as boosting the signal for 25 May 2022 which is the upcoming release date of the Classic Edition.

Interested in buying yourself (or a friend) a copy of Giving The Devil His Due? Find out more about what the anthology is about and where to buy it here. All proceeds go towards supporting The Pixel Project’s anti-violence against women work.

Want to learn more about violence against women and the work that The Pixel Project does? Visit us at