Bruised on the Inside: How to Become a Domestic Violece SurvivorBruised on the Inside: How to Become a Domestic Violence Survivor is an ebook that is about a fictional character, Katie. She is the voice for many that still suffer silently. It’s a road of getting your life back. It was written by Pixel Project supporter, Ruthie Owen. The press release announcing the book is included below, along with a link to the author.


Apr 27, 2010 – “Bruised on the Inside: How to Become a Domestic Violence Survivor” was written with great passion about how domestic violence is constantly on the rise. Many suffer from it and are silent for fear of upsetting the abuser or what other people may say.
Daily, people are abused and the deaths and injuries mount up. It’s a subject that is not new, but needs continuous awareness-raising.
This book contains excerpts from the Pixel Project, Angela Shelton, and Missouri Edu who are also very large in helping victims whether it be man, woman or child.
Ruthie Owen, the author of this eBook, is not a stranger to this subject. She, herself, overcame abuse at a very early age and overcame it by helping others.
The reader may find a lot of similarities in this fictional book to their toxic relationships or those of family members who are living this life still today.
It’s a very dangerous subject and is very unpredictable. But, there is always hope and “Katie” details the way in which she gets her life back and once again reaches the point where life is good.


To view the full press release and author links, visit

To view the eBook, visit

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