Hi and welcome to The Pixel Project’s Violence Against Women e-News Digest – edition eight! As usual, we compile the latest and most relevant news from around the world concerning violence against women and efforts to combat it.

This time, the spotlight falls on Haiti again. Remember the United Nations’ assurance that gender-based violence would not be prevalent in the Haitian earthquake survivors’ camps? No assurance could be more false. The Daily Beast reports that the sense of violence and danger in those camps is so strong that you can even ‘feel it’ as you walk through the camps.

We do have some good news, though. On the 2nd of March an International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women of Burma was jointly organized by the Nobel Women’s Initiative and the Women’s League of Burma. Check out our links to articles covering the event.

There are also several bills and amendments to existing laws being debated in the United States as governments and the public recognize the need to strengthen laws in order to protect women from violence, especially domestic violence. This includes the utilization of GPS devices in Kentucky, considering the factor of pets in Minnesota, and removing gun rights from domestic abusers in Iowa.

Think about the ways you can help to reduce and put an end to violence against women. Small gestures can mean a great deal. You can send any news concerning violence against women that you wish to see in forthcoming editions of The Pixel Project VAW e-Newsletter to our archivist, Catalina Rembuyan, at catalina@thepixelproject.net.

In the meantime, do enjoy our fourth e-Newsletter and do feel free to share it! If you prefer to get breaking VAW news from us in real time, please follow us on Twitter (http://twitter.com/PixelProject).

With best regards,

The Pixel Project team

General Violence against Women news

Cassandra Balchin looks at how Muslim feminists around the world are renegotiating the Islamic marriage contract that has traditionally permitted spousal abuse such as marital rape

Mental Health Europe has published a report addressing violence against women in the workplace.

Afghanistan: Women fear that a ‘peace deal’ with the Taliban may lead to more violence in their lives

Burma: The Nobel Women’s Initiative and the Women’s League of Burma organized an International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women of Burma on the 2nd of March, 2010.

Burma: Coverage of the International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women of Burma – The Myanmarese government may save Burmese tigers, but not Burmese women

Burma: Report from the International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women of Burma – torture and gender-based violence against women in the opposition

Burma: Walking Against Sharp Knives – a report on the violence faced by the ethnic Karen women under the Myanmarese military junta. Torture includes crucifixion, water torture, and gang rape.

Ghana: Africa Legal Aid to set up a Gender Network Forum to provide legal assistance for women suffering from gender-based violence

Haiti: An introduction to the Haiti restaveks – female domestic servants who were given away by their parents who cannot afford to raise them

Pakistan: Violence against women affects 51% of the population

Tunisia: Arab Conference on ‘Fighting Violence Against Women’ closes

Domestic Violence

Australia: Domestic violence costs Queensland a dozen lives and AU$ 3 billion per year.

Pakistan: An consultant psychiatrist and instructor reminds readers that domestic violence is not a family issue but a crime

United States: New survey provides snapshots of domestic violence in the state of Nevada

United States: Senate panel in Kentucky approves amended version of Amanda’s Bill, which aims to further protect victims of domestic violence

United States: More on Amanda’s Bill – the victim of domestic violence will be notified via GPS if the perpetrator of violence is sighted within the vicinity

United States: Eryn-Ashlei Bailey draws the spotlight on violence against women on campus grounds, while highlighting the Violence Against Women act.

United States: Minnesota bill will address the role of pets in domestic violence cases – almost half of battered women stay in dangerous relationships because they fear for their pets

United States: Domestic abusers to lose gun rights in Iowa

Rape and Sexual Assault

Haiti: Haiti’s Rape Crisis – “You can just feel the [sense of danger] when you walk into those camps” – three gang rapes have happened in a single camp alone

United States: Has Megan’s Law been successful enough in preventing child predators from approaching their potential victims? An op-ed from The Daily Beast

United States: Idaho plans to relax statutory rape laws in response to teen sex. Is this a good idea?

Forced Marriage

Forced marriages are driving human trafficking globally – United Nations

Malaysia: Child brides in a moderate Muslim country – an 11-year old girl was wedded to a 41-year old man, and a 10-year old married to a 40-year old man

Malaysia: In at least one state, marriage between an adult and a minor as young as 11 is deemed permissible by the Islamic courts if the ‘maturity’ and ‘fertility’ of the minor can be proven

Honour Killing

Thousands of women killed in honour killings yearly – United Nations

Lebanon: A man has been arrested for the honour killing of his sister

India: The High Court blames police inefficiency for death of girl in an honour killing

India: Meet Sushma Tiwari, a survivor of an honour killing attempt by her brother who wiped out her entire marital family

Human / Sex Trafficking

India: The number of missing children continue to rise in New Delhi, with an average of 17 children going missing every day

South Africa: The upcoming World Cup is expected to attract human traffickers

United States: Former NBA star charged with involvement in sex trafficking ring

United States: Authorities in Maryland are considering censoring certain dating websites to combat sex trafficking

United States: Alabama has currently no law to handle human trafficking and is in the process of tabling a new law for it